Nathan Hale

"I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." 

WHO HE WAS: Nathan Hale was a schoolteacher who became an officer in the Continental Army. He attempted to go spy on the British to discover their plans and was captured and hung. He was a great patriot and joined the Connecticut militia in 1775 and eventually the Continental Army under Washington. He volunteered to be a spy on September 12, 1776 but may have been not properly trained to be one. He was captured on September the 20th. 

WHAT HE SAID: This was his statement that he gave to the British soldiers before he was hung: 
"Let us march immediately, and never lay down our arms until we have obtained our independence. You are shedding the blood of the innocent; if I had ten thousand lives, I would lay them down in defense of my injured, bleeding country... I only regret that I have one life to lose for my country."

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